Tuesday 26 November 2013

~Hana no Kusari (2013)~                

                        Minato Kanae is a well-known author for her best selling novel "Confessions" though I've only seen few of her works but I believed it was a cup of coffee like Higashino Keigo. I'll watch more of her works. But I think her signature works is more on lack of justice aside from the mystery aspect. Since, I don't know that much about her so let's proceed to her little "Chain of Flowers"..
hana 3 done
Correlation Chart
           I've come across to watch a drama special "Hana no Kusari" since it has Toda Erika in it. Judging from the trailer I've seen, I though it was another mystery but my impression was wrong! It's indeed drama that will make your heart warmth. The stories are pretty much about the twist and uses a non linear story telling though they don't make your eyes bawled out.
                 Three women reside in the same hometown that wasn't interacted with each other. I find it boring at first and all of the script was just a talk for nothing because I'm more focused in K's identity that has connection to three women  without knowing it was all for the sake of story development and building up to the point.
"K" - A Mysterious benefactor
known to be Rika's Daddy-Long-Legs
Rika's parents died 13 years ago, she met her "Daddy-Long-Legs"  that time,  it's probably a traumatic childhood experience ever since for not being able to  remember the face. "K" often sends bouquets of flowers to Rika,  giving an economical assistance. Out of curiousity, she become  more eagerness to know but at the same time, scared to unravel the truth because it has something to do with her family. And so she asks her grandmother and sensing that the conversation has taken a depressive turn, her grandma takes the blame on herself for a very long time. Pondering on her grandma's words, she cannot utter a words anymore.

                  Back in the year 1965, Miyuki is a happy wife who married to Kazuya who works for his uncle's company but worries that she hasn't been able to bear a child even after three years of marriage. All she did was to cheer up his husband's dream to become an architect.
Seeing Miki Nakatani face here as “Miyuki”
reminds me of her role in “Memories of Matsuko”

When suddenly, there was design competition  for Kozai Michio's Art Museum. Miyuki was about to tell his husband that she was pregnant but suddenly her life is falling apart instantly when her cousin Yosuke betrayed his husband and Kazuya died in an unexpected tragedy one night. And so Yosuke became rich after winning the competition that was supposed to Kazuya. Anyway, Kozai Michio has a relationship with Miyuki's hometown.
Miyuki's child is Satsuki, an old fashioned university student  who  joins in Mountain Club and fall in love with her Senpai (Senior), Koichi. She found out that she and Koichi has the same  white blood type that has something to do with their family history.  Without a doubt, Koichi is her cousin. They break up, and a year later.. Satsuki learned that Koichi has a leukemia and no one matched the blood type so Koichi's parents is persuading Miyuki to let Satsuki be Koichi's donor. It was cruel of fate of them.
Satsuki (Erika Toda) and Koichi (Tori Matsuzaka)

                         During the 1 hour, there's constantly new information to keep me guessing as I've seen the climax scene where it leads me to think something. It really was a twist of fate that linked them together that they're indeed a FAMILY!  I thought "K" was Kazuya but then it was Koichi who sends an economical assistance even after he died two years ago in Rika's timeline. See? It was an unending love for Satsuki. :)

    The drama special is not that outstanding but it was emotionally overwhelming and by reading the synopsis, you might have a wrong impression so don't spoil yourself reading it. Haha! One of the most wonderful thing about it is the ending.
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I'm very sure we can all think of dramas which are otherwise amazing and wonderful, ne? It's really a quiet heartwarming and tender-hearted where in there's a "forgive-and-forget" moments but it can leaves a trails where one remembers only a euphoric memories at the end of the conclusion despite the melancholy situations. When there's a Family, conflict really does exist anywhere whether it's good or bad.

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                     It's not really a must-watch drama special but rather to see one of Minato Kanae's works. I didn't know that she could do a drama genre because as I've said earlier, she's more in mystery. I'm about to acknowledge her by the time I've seen more of her works in the future. :)